New to Prayer?
If you are new to prayer but want to find out more then why not check out trypraying
You can follow a 7-day guide on the website, order a free booklet, or download the app and enjoy a much more in-depth 7 days journey: videos, space to write your thoughts and prayers, and a record of your progress from Day 1 to Day 7.
Trypraying is an invitation to start a conversation with God – over seven days.
The trypraying booklet is a 7-day guide to help get you started. It contains stories of answered prayer, ideas of things to do, important themes about how to connect with God and honest prayers.
Each day is composed of four parts:
Read something to get you thinking
Read a short story of someone sharing how prayer worked in their life
Think about some wise words
Pray – speaking to God.
There is a place to write your Big Issue. A place where some common questions are answered, and some bright ideas that might help you to try praying. You can also contact us at trypraying for help.
And there is also an app – free to download.